Audio Video Technology - Springfield's Home Theater Specialists

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Ideal Secondaries

Do you know Best Buy recently started offering video calibration services for TVs?  Before that they tried telling you that your TV was all set from the factory.  We've been calibrating for over 10 years!

 The same is true for audio.  Do you think all rooms sound the same?  What speakers are best for your room?  Where should I place them for the best sound?

 There are a lot of factors in achieving the best performance in a room.  Do you think experience matters?  Let the most qualified and experienced calibrators make your system perform at its best!

Video Calibration included in every system we install!

Video Calibration - We are ISF Technicians

Most TV's are not set to reference standards as they come from the factory.  They are usually set very bright to compete against other TV's in showrooms .  Although some can tweak their system with a calibration disc, a video  calibration is an absolute must for the best performance.  Having your your display calibrated to reference standards as taught by the Imaging Science Foundation will make it perform to its full potential and last longer. 

Calibration - What is involved...

Calibration will allow for correcting or optimizing the following parameters:

Greyscale tracking *
White & Black Level *
Color temperature *
Chroma Level and Phase *
Focus (Electrical & Mechanical)
Horizontal & Vertical Center
Convergence (static & dynamic)
Chroma detail enhancement, and
Scan Velocity Modulation Disconnection

For those who have had their set calibrated, the end result are all the same: staggering. Blacks are black; whites are white; even light distribution; realistic colors; and images are film like in quality. Apparently, a lot of problems with out-of-the-box sets also get corrected. Problems such as shimmering, ringing, weird color fringes, jaggies, and hot spots are reported to disappear.

If you've spent thousands on your High Definition Television, you'd probably want to spend a little more to make your set perform at its best.

It is recommended that you let your TV have at least 100 hrs of use before getting it calibrated so that its components have had time to be broken-in

We only calibrate brands we are familiar with.  We do know other great calibrators which we will recommend if we do not work on your particular brand.

Audio Calibration included in every system we install!

Audio Calibration - We are HAA Technicians

Audio Calibration is a very important part in maximizing the enjoyment from your system. The room has a major affect on how sound is reproduced in your home. Calibrating your system ensures you will have the best sound possible. We are HAA (Home Acoustics Alliance) calibrators an we will make your system sound fantastic.

Many people to say to me "I wouldn't be able to hear the difference". Well have you ever had difficulty understanding what actors/ actresses are saying in a movie? Do you have to turn up the volume to hear what people are saying? Then your system is not calibrated.

We set your system to have the following parameters:

Clarity: Clear understandable dialogue, low level sonic detailing.
Focus: Localization of sounds within the front sound stage.
Impact: Dynamics: dynamic contrast, clarity even when at peak sound levels.
Smooth Response: Minimize the booms, ringing and shrills.
Sonic Envelopment: Smooth front to back panning, swimming in sound.

We achieve these goals by using the following techniques:

-Evaluation of equipment hookup, layout and functionality
-Measurement of individual speaker response in near field
-Measurement of system response at listening positions
-Plot of reverberation in the room (Energy Time Graph)
-Measurement of Ambient Noise
-Low frequency analysis including dimensional analysis
-Qualitative listening and pre-calibration adjustment
-Basic calibration
-TEF (Time Energy Frequency) calibration
-Spatial Averaging

Please give us a call an we can discuss the various options of calibrating your system.


The Premier Home Theater Specialists serving the Greater Springfield area.

We make technology simple!

Licensed and insured.

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us.  We are normally available seven days a week between 8AM-8PM.  Do leave a message as we answer them promptly.

Bob 413-374-8000,
Rich 413-374-8300,
Postal address:
AV Tech
205 Barry Street
       Feeding Hills, Ma 01030