AV Tech - Springfield's Home Theater Specialists
A round house with 18 areas of Audio, 8 TVs, 2 Surround systems, and a Theater. Each TV and the theater can access a Blu-ray player, High Def DVD Player, 4 cable feeds, 3 Satellite feeds, a Wii, and an Xbox 360, Plus a DVD Server with up to 400 DVDs. Each area in the whole house audio zone can independently access local radio stations, over 25,000 internet radio stations, Pandora, Rhapsody, Sirius, and any of their CDs or music collection on iTunes. The whole house is easily controlled with one of 11 wireless remotes in the various rooms of the house. All the equipment is in two equipment racks in an equipment/ storage room where it is not seen.
A TV with speaker bar and corner subwoofer painted to match the wall. This installation had equipment in a cabinet and in wall speakers for the surround speakers with their grills painted the color of the wall. A very nice solution for many living rooms.
A Small projection system built into custom cabinetry and makes for a very nice looking room without a lot of equipmet lying around.
When you don't want to see the TV. The TV rises out of the cabinet when needed and is out of site when not being used.
Theater rooms are designed from the ground up. The platform above is being made into a Helmholtz resonator to trap problem bass frequencies in the room. Acoustic treatments throughout the room provide outstanding sound with excellent focus and clarity. The surround sound is totally enveloping!
Speakers Built into the screen. The subwoofer below is normally covered with acoustic cloth for aesthetics but covering left off for picture. Surround sound is provided by in wall and ceiling speakers. Equipment is out of sight in the storage area. Mantown at its best.
Acoustic treatments to get rid of the echoes in this large room and provide clarity of sound. What is not shown in this picture is the platforms and seating can easily be moved out of the way. That is important to this client as they enjoy dancing and do Karaoke and it opens up the room.
We like to provide the best picture and sound but it also has to fit into your decor. Screens can be hidden when not uses and acoustic treatments can be made with pictures, posters, artwork or fabric walls. There are many solutions for good performance and aesthetics. Don't think you have sacrifice performance for a good looking room.
Some installations we have corrected. Do it right the first time! "If you think hiring a professional is expensive, go ahead and try hiring an amateur." Red Adair
We are proud of our work and we like a nice rack!
The Premier Home Theater Specialists serving the Greater Springfield area.
We make technology simple!
Licensed and insured.
Please feel free to contact us. We are normally available seven days a week between 8AM-8PM. Do leave a message as we answer them promptly.